New Creatures in the Tank at North Oregon Coast AttractionPublished 12/18/2010 (Seaside, Oregon) – Some new critters are gracing the tanks at Seaside Aquarium. It’s something education specialist Tiffany Boothe gets rather excited about as she conducts a small tour around the aquarium, dropping a few interesting facts about some other, older residents at the north Oregon coast facility as well. First off, she points out a juvenile yelloweye – a kind of rockfish - cavorting around one tank. Ironically, it’s orange (pictured above). It’s young now, but apparently the stripes will disappear. They haven’t had the little guy long and he just went on display in mid November. “I’ve read they can live as much as 140 years,” Boothe said. Beside it is a crimson anemone, which Boothe said you usually don’t find in intertidal areas – primarily deeper into the surf than that. Next up is the pricklback tank, containing three flavors of fishies: a snake prickelback, a monkeyface prickelback and a rock prickelback. “Our visitors really love them ‘cause they think they look like eels,” Boothe said. But they are actually a fish, not an eel. The difference comes because of the pectoral fins, which eels don’t have. The same is true of wolf eels, which are gigantic and have faces that are either really creepy or hauntingly human, depending on your point of view (pictured above). “Even though they’re called eels, they’re really fish,” Boothe said. Then there are the Tiger rockfish. “This guy is beautiful,” Boothe said. They come in two different colors, including orange. Seaside Aquarium is on the Prom in Seaside, Oregon. 503-738-6211. www.seasideaquarium.com
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