Work and Traffic Delays on Oregon Coast Roads, Bridges Published 01/30/2011 (Oregon Coast) – Some new construction work is coming to the Yaquina Bay Bridge in Newport, which will result in some lane restrictions at night, some delays are coming to a road near Tillamook, while work and/or delays continue in that area, on Highway 18, Highway 26, near Nehalem and in Astoria (pictured above: the highway at night near Manzanita, north Oregon coast).
This week, Tuesday through Thursday, ODOT will start a $3.5-million-repair project on the U.S. 101 Yaquina Bay Bridge in Newport. The initial phase of this will have crews attaching netting to the bridge in an effort to prevent nesting by migratory birds. The work will happen from 7 p.m. until 4 a.m., February 1-3. The work will cause traffic restrictions to a single lane, with flaggers controlling travel in alternating directions. Because of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918, ODOT regularly prevents migratory birds from creating nests on bridges, especially those targeted for repair work. Additional nesting prevention tactics will be used between now and the nesting season in February that may be noticeable to motorists and may impact travel on the bridge. Yaquina Bay Bridge will undergo structural repairs that will begin this spring with construction ending late this year. The needed repairs were identified during a 2005-2006 bridge repainting project. During this repair project, there will be a need for two-hour complete closures. “ODOT will work with the community, businesses and emergency agencies prior to the beginning of the complete closures,” said ODOT in a press release. On February 16, Highway 130 – otherwise known as the Little Nestucca Road near Tillamook – will be closed between mileposts 4.15 and 8.52. Crews will inspect five bridges there.
The closure on February 16 will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The closure is necessary because of the size of the crane that is used for the inspections. Highway 130 is located in south Tillamook County and connects U.S. 101 and OR22. Traffic will be detoured to OR22 with only minor delays. Variable Message Signs (VMS) will be placed at both ends of Highway 130 starting February 1 notifying the public of the closure. In Astoria, on the Astoria-Megler Bridge, work continues on recoating the steel. A 35 mph speed limit through the construction zone will be maintained for the duration of the project. Flaggers will control single lane traffic during construction activities as required. Lane delays will be allowed anytime on weekdays and weekends. Expect delays of up to 20 minutes and drive through the area with caution. The project is scheduled to be completed in November 2011. Work continues on the Nehalem River Bridge, milepost 43.33 to 44.07, near the Highway 26 junction. Expect delays of up to 20 minutes during the daytime and drive through the area with caution. The project is scheduled to be completed in May 2012. Also in Tillamook, on Highway 101, work has taken a rest at 12th St. – the Farmer Creek Road section, at mileposts 66.23 to 76.00 and 80.61 to 82.82. Crews have been rebuilding and repaving the roadway on U.S. 101 in the area between the south end of Tillamook and Farmer Creek Rd. No work is scheduled for this week. Permanent Striping operations will occur in Spring of 2011. The project is scheduled to be completed in May 2011.
Tree felling on Highway 18, towards the central Oregon coast, is still going on. The project will occur between Hwy 18 mileposts 7 and 19, from 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., Monday-Thursday, leaving weekends free of any delays. Crews are still working on the Dennis Edwards Tunnel on Highway 26, between Portland and the north Oregon coast. On weeknights, it closes at 8 p.m. and a 25-minute detour takes motorists back to 26. Weekends, the tunnel is open from 6 a.m. Friday to 10 p.m. Sunday. Weekdays, it is open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. with occasional flagging. Sunday nights, it is closed overnight from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. Monday. From Monday through Thursday, the tunnel is closed overnight from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. the next morning. The tunnel will be completely for Oregon’s spring break: March 18 – 27. See the Oregon Coast Road, Traffic info page for updates More About Oregon Coast hotels, lodging..... More About Oregon Coast Restaurants, Dining.....
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