State Parks Holds Camping Programs on Coast, Around Oregon Published 05/18/2011 (Oregon Coast) – Oregon Parks and Recreation Department staff are giving you another reason to go to camping this summer with informative and fun programs that introduce families to all kinds of elements of this recreational activity they may not have known about (above: Oceanside, near Cape Lookout State Park). It’s called "Let's Go Camping," a campaign to introduce the joys of an Oregon outdoor pastime that will be offered on nine weekends this summer at campgrounds around the state, including the Oregon coast.
There will be hands-on lessons, nature hikes and plenty of s’mores – all overnight, of course. The program also features ranger-led camping basics, nature hikes and plant identification, looks at wildlife like “owl prowls” and bat hike, and Dutch Oven cooking and fire safety. Staff and volunteers will provide the 2011 overnight camping series for beginners in two-night programs at four parks and one-night sessions at nine others. Dates and locations of the two-night programs are:
June 17-19 at South Beach (at Newport, central coast) and Umpqua Lighthouse state parks (on the southern Oregon coast); June 24-26 at Farewell Bend State Park; July 22-24 at Cascadia State Park. The one-night experiences are scheduled on: July 9-10 at LaPine and Memaloose state parks; July 16-17 at Silver Falls and Stub Stewart state parks; July 30-31 at The Cove Palisades State Park (south coast); August 6-7 at Valley of the Rogue and Wallowa Lake state parks; August 13-14 at Milo McIver State Park; August 20-21 at Champoeg State Heritage Area and Silver Falls State Park.
People can now register for any of the sessions by calling 1-888-953-7677. The cost of a weekend is $20 per family. The "Let's Go Camping" series is co-sponsored by STIHL. More information is online at http://www.oregon.gov/ OPRD/PARKS /lgc_intro.shtml. Jimmy Childs of Reservations Northwest, and Volunteer Services Coordinator Jill Nishball are co-coordinators of this year's series. A complete list of Oregon coast campgrounds is here (not all are state park-run). Cape Lookout State Park Between Florence and Yachats More About Oregon Coast hotels, lodging..... More About Oregon Coast Restaurants, Dining.....
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