Oregon Coast Learning: Eat Your Yard or Become a Naturalist Published 03/18/2015 (Oregon Coast) – Become an Oregon coast naturalist or learn how to eat parts of your yard. Or do both. Two unique learning opportunities for just that are now presented by different groups on Oregon's shoreline. (Above: Nehalem, near Manzanita). On March 28, the north Oregon coast town of Nehalem shows you how to “eat your yard.” That's right. Some of the greenery around you is edible, and this program put on by the Lower Nehalem Community Trust and Nehalem Bay Garden Club shows you how. Join edible plant expert, herbalist, and permaculturist Marisha Auerbach as she shares plant wisdom about selection, placement, and planting combinations for enhancing your garden. Learn to integrate landscape, function, and plant species to design a robust, edible garden. Bring a sketch of your landscape for personalized guidance, and get started on your way to a healthy and productive edible landscape. It happens 1 - 4 p.m. at Alder Creek Farm (35995 Underhill Ln. Nehalem, Oregon.) For members of the Trust and Garden Club, cost is $20. Cost for non members is $25. Cost at the door is $30. Space is limited. Visit Eventbrite.com to register, and more information can be found at www.NehalemTrust.org. Meanwhile, all over the Oregon coast – at least digitally – one group is offering a unique course on how to enjoy the beaches more with science. Interested in becoming an Oregon Master Naturalist, or know someone who does? Oregon State University is offering just that chance via an online course: the 2015 Oregon Coast Ecoregion Course. It focuses on the ecology and natural history of Oregon's breathtaking coast and its diverse ecosystems. Take this course and then the Online Course this Fall (see http://oregonmasternaturalist.org/online-course) to complete course requirements for Master Naturalist certification. The Oregon Coast Ecoregion Course is comprised of 8 classes held on Saturdays between between March 14 and June 20. More about the Manzanita, Nehalem area below, and at the Manzanita, Rockaway Beach Virtual Tour, Map.
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