Complete Oregon Coast Fourth of July, Independence Day Guide
(Oregon Coast) - From fireworks to food, music to mirth-making, brews to rubber duckies, it's a mish mash of fun and funkiness along the Oregon coast for the Fourth of July. There's more to Independence Day than Fourth of July celebrations. Many communities along the beaches have interesting little events happening around the holiday. Make your plans now: spend a few days at the beach. Remember to reserve your lodging well ahead of time - and be prepared for major crowds and traffic. But most of all prepare to have a lot of fun. All events happen on July 4 unless otherwise noted.
It all begins on Friday, July 3 with a North Coast Symphonic Band Concert at Liberty Theater, Astoria. 7 p.m. Free. July 4 activities in Astoria: Baked Alaska Dock Party – 2 p.m. at Baked Alaska. Food, music, brews, root beer garden and more. Liberate the Ales Festival – 3:30 p.m. at Ft George Brewery. Food, music and brews. Community Riverfront Party – 6 p.m. at Train Depot near 19th St. Food, entertainment, and booths. Riverwalk Parade on Astoria’s Riverwalk Trail. 7 p.m. at 9th Street; ends near 19th Street at the Depot. Fireworks over the Columbia River at Dusk On the fourth, nearby Warrenton features a barbecue at the fire station at noon. There’s a family fun fair at the Warrenton City Park, Noon to 5:30 p.m. (Food, games and more with a concert by Chelsea Williams at 4:30 p.m.) 4th of July Parade in Warrenton Starts at 3 p.m., along Main Street. Seaside
The day climaxes with one of the largest fireworks displays in Oregon. Cannon Beach Their 4th of July Parade begins at 11 a.m. and features some very silly components, making it always well worth checking out. There are no fireworks in Cannon Beach because of laws protecting wildlife in the area.
Manzanita Pancake Breakfast. Fire Hall, Manzanita. 8:30 am to 11:00 am Their big parade hits Laneda Ave about 1 p.m., where the public is invited to be a part. Fireworks on the beach at dusk. At Nehalem Bay Winery: Independence Day Celebration and BBQ. Live music and food in the afternoon, after the parade ends. Free admission. Nehalem Bay Winery. 34965 Hwy 53, Nehalem, Oregon. 888-368-9463. www.nehalembaywinery.com Rockaway Beach
Their celebration begins Friday, July 3 with a daylong exhibit at City Hall with slideshow, historic displays and oral stories. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. On Saturday the fourth, there’s a 5K Fun Run at 9 a.m. at the Wayside. The annual parade begins at 11 a.m. Afterwards, there’s kids’ activities on the beach, and an auction at the big red caboose. Fireworks light up the sky around 10 p.m. On Sunday, July 5, there are further celebrations at city hall with a birthday cake for the town and more slides, stories and displays. 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. 503-355-8108 Garibaldi July 4, 11, 18 and 25. 18th Century Sailing re-enactments and rope-making activities. 12 noon – 4. Garibaldi Museum. 112 Hwy 101. Garibaldi, Oregon. 503-322-8411 Pacific City
Fireworks happen at the beach area around Pacific Ave. and Bob Straub Wayside. It creates some startling, stark shadows along Cape Kiwanda. Cruise In for Strawberry Shortcake and Classic Car Show. 2 - 5 p.m. Kiawanda Community Center. 34600 Cape Kiwanda Drive. Pacific City, Oregon. Clover's Day Celebration. Throughout Cloverdale: “Red, White and Moo!” is their slogan. There’s the Nestucca Valley Lion’s Club breakfast from 7 a.m. until 10 a.m. The parade starts at 11 a.m. Mud Springs Gospel Band starts shortly after the parade. Various vendor booths will be on hand, including elephant ear desserts.
The big one happens in the Taft area along the beachfront on SW 51st Street, by Mo's. The launch will be from the Salishan spit across Siletz Bay. This year's program has been ramped up, featuring “bigger and better” fireworks, according to the visitor center. This will include a majority of five-inch shells, providing a big burst along with the boom. Previous years have used three and four inch shells. www.oregoncoast.org. In nearby Gleneden Beach: the 15th Annual Gleneden Beach 4th of July Parade at 1 p.m. Pancake Breakfast from 8 a.m. - 11 a.m. at the Gleneden Beach Community Center, 110 Azalea . There’s a craft fair at Eden Hall, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. For more information go to www.glenedenbeach.org
Depoe Bay Depoe Bay celebrates theirs on Friday, July 3, at dusk in Boiler Bay Park, just north of town. A free shuttle will run from 5 p.m., picking up families, lunches, chairs, blankets and the rest. Stops will be marked with shuttle signs and can be found from north at Worldmark to south at the Shell Gas Station. Newport Newport’s Fourth of July celebration always has some interesting aspects that other local celebrations don’t. Every year, thousands of tourists and residents gather to witness what may be the most dynamic display of fireworks in Oregon. The surrounding hills of Yaquina Bay create an unusual effect where the sound is bounced back and forth, tripling or quadrupling the explosion noises from the mortars.
The surrounding hills, the extensive bay front, South Beach and even some of the beaches near the jetties provide a large array of viewing spots. Additionally, there is about three miles along the north and south riverbanks of the Yaquina River where you can see the fireworks. During the day, the Nye Beach Clambake takes place in the Nye Beach neighborhood, featuring vendors, music, plenty of clams and sometimes carriage rides. 888-592-5556. Waldport July 3. Fireworks happen over Alsea Bay on Friday rather than Saturday.
Yachats La De Da Parade, Festivities and Fireworks. A wacky parade at noon (which has included folks on motorized lawn mowers), music around town, and then the big show over Yachats Bay at dusk. Fourth of July Pie and Ice Cream Social. The Ladies Club will wow you with an incredible variety of delicious pies. 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. (541) 547-3205. Fourth Annual Duck for Kids Race. 1,200 Rubber Duckies
will be dropped from the Yachats River Bridge, just south of downtown
Yachats, to race down the river. Watch from the beach below the bridge
at Yachats Ocean Road State Park. You may sponsor a duck for $5 or 3 ducks
for $10. 2:30 p.m. (541) 547-4599. July 3, 4 and 5 In Florence, Independence Day Celebrations include live outdoor music in Old Town, and a massive fireworks display over the Siuslaw River. The buildings and planter boxes are decorated with
red, white & blue bunting and the flowers are in glorious bloom. Shops
and restaurants stay open late to accommodate locals and visitors that
come down to watch the fireworks - some offer 'fireworks specials.' RELATED STORIES