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Central Oregon Coast Event Looks at Geologic Hazards and Community Resilience

Published 03/15/22 at 4:45 AM PST
By Oregon Coast Beach Connection staff

Central Oregon Coast Event Looks at Geologic Hazards and Community Resilience

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(Newport, Oregon) – Beer and science actually go together quite well, especially when it came to the Hatfield Marine Science Center's Hatifield Science On Tap events that were once held at one of the bigger pubs in the central Oregon coast town of Newport.

COVID restrictions moved such events online, but at least these informative presentations were still being put forth. Again comes another in the Hatfield Science on Tap series, this time March 16 at 6 p.m. See the Zoom webinar link here.

This one delves into the complex world of hazards on the Oregon coast and Washington coast, where large-scale quakes and other geologic disasters await the region some day. OSU scientist Peter Ruggiero is the featured speaker, with a talk entitled "How do Cascadia coastal communities increase their resilience to coastal hazards?"

Ruggiero is the director of The Cascadia Coastlines and Peoples Hazards Research Hub (Cascadia CoPes Hub) and a professor in Oregon State University's College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences.

His talk covers risks to Pacific Northwest coastal communities, including earthquakes, tsunamis, sea-level rise, landslides, erosion, and increased precipitation.

These Cascadia communities stretch from Cape Mendocino, California, through Oregon and Washington to Vancouver Island, Canada. They are calling for a coordinated research agenda among universities, governmental agencies, NGOs, and others to help them achieve resilience to these coastal hazards. Ruggerio will discuss how Cascadia CoPes Hub is addressing this call to increase coastal communities' ability to adapt and respond to these hazards.

The public is invited to this free, online talk. In addition, Science on Tap archives are available on this YouTube playlist.

Zoom link for the presentation

The Oregon coast is subject to massive Cascadia subduction events every few hundred years or so – the last one was in 1700. This makes some scientists believe the region is about due for another magnitude 9.0 quake offshore. MORE NEWPORT BELOW

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