Published 12/10/24 at 6:35 p.m.
By Oregon Coast Beach Connection Staff
(Manzanita, Oregon) – There is quite the potpourri coming up for the skies above Earth right now – and especially for the Oregon coast and Washington coast. The Solstice Full Moon, the Geminid Meteor Shower peaks and king tides all overlap in the coming days, and the planets are doing some really stunning things as well. (Above: stars over Rockaway Beach - photo Oregon Coast Beach Connection).
The peak of the Geminid meteor showers happens December 12 and 13, though you should be able to see a fair amount on either side of those dates as well. Sometimes they produce as many as 100 – 150 meteors in an hour.
The winter solstice full moon happens December 15, and that has its own special set of astronomy tidbits.
Then there's king tides coming up because of that full moon, happening December 13 – 15 along the Oregon coast and most spots on the Washington coast (though some locales are slightly offset, such as up north around Forks).
Geminids 2024
If you've encountered clear nights and looked up, it's quite possible you've already seen some of these meteors.
According to Jim Todd, astronomy expert with Portland's OMSI, it's the early morning of December 12 and 13 that will be the most prolific, but it's still possibly putting a good show for a few days after. It technically goes until December 21.
Above: stars move in amazing ways at night at Arch Cape near Cannon Beach
“This is the one major shower that provides good activity before midnight as the constellation of Gemini is well placed from after 10 p.m. onward,” Todd told Oregon Coast Beach Connection. “ In 2024, a nearly full moon will greatly reduce the number of meteors seen. If your skies are clear and transparent, you can still see many bright meteors by facing a direction with the moon at your back.”
See Oregon Coast Weather (including tides) - Inland Oregon Weather
Still, these ones are bright enough they should put on a spectacle, Todd said. Indeed, Oregon Coast Beach Connection spotted one enormous meteor early in December.
“Due to their medium-slow velocity, persistent trains are not usually seen,” Todd said. “Geminids are pieces of debris from 3200 Phaethon, an asteroid with unusual characteristics in that its orbit looks more like that of a comet than an asteroid, and has been referred to as a 'rock comet.' “
The Solstice Full Moon 2024
If you've ever noticed how bright the moon is in winter, you're absolutely right. It's brighter than summer and gets much higher in the sky. This full one takes place on December 15.
“The Full Moon nearest the Winter Solstice is the highest full moon of the year,” Todd said. “Plus, notice the beautiful white as it rises from the east.”
It is always named for the fact it comes closest to the Winter Solstice, which comes December 21. That will be the shortest day of the year, and after that – thankfully – days start getting longer.
Check out the moon over Waldport.
“The highest 'Full Moon' for December is when the Moon will be over 72 degrees above the southern horizon (approximately the height of the midsummer mid-day Sun which culminates at 68 degrees),” Todd said.
King Tides December 2024
That moon and its interaction with the sun are the reason there are king tides. They are created when the moon and sun line up just right, and their combined gravitational force yanks at the Earth much more than any other time of year, creating bulges in the planet that “move” the tides. Oregon Coast's King Tides Project Hosts Photo Contest
King tides make a special raucous in Seaside - Seaside Aquarium photo.
What are actually known as perigean spring tides refer to the highest tides of the year. With the full moon happening on the 15th, tides always get shifted around more just ahead of the full moon.
The night sky above Bandon, on the south coast. Photo courtesy Manuela Durson Fine Arts
This year, most of it happens on December 13 – 15, but some areas in northern Washington get it on the 14th through 16th. - - See the Washington King Tides Project for detailed dates.
December's Planetary Show
Todd said you'll see Venus low in the west just after sunset, with it and Jupiter putting on a phenomenal show.
“Saturn shines in the south most of the night, Jupiter rises in the early evening alongside Taurus and Orion, while Mars trails a couple of hours behind, visible high in the early morning sky,” Todd said.
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