Manzanita Hosts Talk On Oregon Coast Beach Ecology Published 07/25/2010
(Manzanita, Oregon) - A leading authority on the natural history of the Oregon coast will deliver a free public slide talk on Sunday, August 8, when ecologist Stewart Schultz speaks at 2 p.m. in the Pine Grove Community Club, 225 Laneda Ave. in Manzanita. Schultz's presentation will focus on beach and dune geology and ecology. Sponsored by the CoastWatch program of the Oregon Shores Conservation Coalition, the event is free and open to all. Anyone interested in shoreline science is welcome. The talk, which will last about an hour, will be followed by a guided beach walk. Stewart Schultz is the author of The Northwest Coast: A Natural History, a widely respected, ecologically organized survey of Oregon coastal geology, habitats and species. He is currently doing research in plant evolutionary genetics and marine ecology as a professor at the University of Zadar, Croatia (where he moved, after many years at the University of Miami and, before that, the University of Oregon, in order to be closer to his wife’s family). He visits his family home in Rockaway each summer, and teaches a course at the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology in Charleston during these visits. He also makes regular summertime presentations for CoastWatch.
His presentation in Manzanita will provide an overview of coastal geology and the formation of beaches and dunes, and describe the natural communities of our sandy shoreline areas. He will also touch on such topics as European beachgrass and other invasive species, and the likely effects of climate change on our beaches. For more information, contact CoastWatch Director Phillip Johnson, (503) 238-4450, or Eileen Hallee, (503) 812-1529.
More Manzanita Events Every Friday. Manzanita Farmers Market. Emphasis is on fresh produce from local growers. “A lot of folks producing more and a variety of things.” 5 p.m. – 8 p.m. Special events, music, activities, environmental resources and a community social are planned throughout the summer. Downtown Manzanita, Oregon Every Day. Nehalem Bay Winery. Wine tasting every day until 6 p.m. Hwy 53 (just outside of Nehalem). 1-888-368-9463. www.nehalembaywinery.com.
August 14. Nehalem Bay Winery Bluegrass BBQ. Nehalem Bay Winery. 34965 Hwy 53. Nehalem, Oregon. 888-368-9463. www.nehalembaywinery.com August 28. Manzanita Film Series. Some films with cult statues, some important from a film perspective, some may have local ties, and others may be experimental. Admission $6. 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Manzanita, Oregon. 971-2359
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