Murder is Good for Business with Central Oregon Coast Who Dunnit Published 03/02/2011 (Newport, Oregon) - Every March, around 100 people gather in the historic Nye Beach district of Newport to solve a murder. They search these atmospheric streets of this central Oregon coast resort, collecting clues from various businesses and asking questions of actors/suspects dressed in period garb. It’s a murder mystery theater piece that’s interactive and happens over various city blocks. It’s the Nye Beach Murder Mystery Weekend, happening March 12 this year, as locals will stage a murder and visitors will investigate “who dunnit.” This time, the weekend is called “Murder Mystery in the Summer of Love – A Guru Goes to His Grave.” It’s March 10, 1967.Yogi Swami Kashi Pu, a prominent Newport area spiritual leader, died just hours after making an offering to a giant banana slug made of paper mache and yellow squash. An autopsy has revealed that Kashi Pu suffered from acute tetrodotoxin poisoning. "Mr. Kashi Pu most likely ingested the toxin," said investigator Liv Anletliv. "Whether there was foul play involved, well, we have yet to determine that. Yogi Swami was known to be experimental with a variety of substances." The paralysis and subsequent death of the Guru followed a strange evening during which the annual Nye Beach ritual of Jaadya Pooch was disrupted several times. First, Seal Rock native Tranquil Seafoam slipped something under Kashi Pu's foot before being forcibly removed from the area. Later, Mary Reynolds threw a handful of squash at the Guru before attempting to carry her sister, Fluttering Moonbeam, away from the gathering. After police responded to the disturbance, 98 participants were cited for marijuana use. This, however, was not considered unusual. "Reports that The Beatles' George Harrison was present at the event have not been confirmed," said a spokesperson for the event. Schedule and Information: Saturday, March 12: Purchase mystery packets at Nye Cottage from 9:30 a.m. until Noon, for $10 per packet. Nye Cottage is located at 208 NW Coast Street, Newport, Oregon. From 10 a.m. until 5 p.m., collect clues and interrogate suspects in the Nye Beach Business Neighborhood. A map for clue locations and a suspect schedule is in the Mystery Packet. At 5 p.m., solutions are due at Nye Cottage. The Solution Entry form is in the Mystery Packet. From 7 – 8 p.m., the Reveal will be at the American Legion, 424 W. Olive Street, Newport, Oregon. Information: 541-270-2234. More scenes from Newport: More About Newport Lodging..... More About Newport Restaurants, Dining..... LATEST OREGON COAST NEWS STORIES
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