Sharks of Oregon Coast Featured on New License Plate: Vouchers Now Available
DMV needs 3,000 vouchers sold before it can happen. Support Oregon sciences
N. Oregon Coast History Talk Digs Into 100-Year-Old Seaside Aquarium Building
November 21, the talk looks into the natatorium, the apartments, more. Seaside events
Small Shark Encounter on N. Oregon Coast Will Mean Discoveries for Students
Four feet long, it will be a remarkable gift to local sciences
Newport Gets New Sea Jelly Tanks and Glowing Tanks at Oregon Coast Aquarium
Sea nettles, seahorses, lionfish, blue blubbers and glowing stuff
Seaside Aquarium: Debris Field of Nature Stuff on N. Oregon Coast is 3 Blocks...
As high as a foot. Called an ocean burp, how it works. Marine sciences
Lion's Mane Jellyfish Washing Up Could Still Sting: Oregon Coast Visitors Sho...
Photos of the one in Lincoln City, reports from elsewhere. Marine sciences
Seaside Aquarium Building Turns 100 This Week - Century of Oregon Coast Histo...
August 9, 1924 the natatorium went up, later becoming the aquarium
Quirky Oregon Coast History Tidbits: Jetty from a Shipwreck, Wacky Animals
Kooky tales from Waldport, Bandon, Seaside, Depoe Bay - including true crime, whales, seals
Dog Injured on N. Oregon Coast Hike, Needed Rescue Due to Wire Mesh in Trail
Great pyranees with paws that were injured and bleeding
Sea Lion on Oregon Coast Dock Humanely Euthanized After Shark Takes Piece Out...
It had been lanquishing in pain on a Newport dock for awhile. Marine sciences
Don't Touch Baby Seals Now on Oregon Coast - Pups Also Bring Increase in Kill...
It's seal pupping season, which also brings killer whales. Marine sciences
Girl Injured by Log in Florence Surf, Oregon / Washington Coast Beach Hazards...
Beach safety, marine sciences
Biggest, Wildest Oregon Coast News Stories of 2023: Whales, Cougars, Shipwrec...
Kiwanda self-destruction, killer whales, space, new sand phenomena, viral shark. Weather
No, It's Not a Great White - Salmon Shark Found on N. Oregon Coast's Cannon B...
This toothy beastie that washed ashore at can still be helpful. Marine sciences
Looking for a Wild Time? Oregon Coast Has Plenty of Fall Wildlife
ODFW has suggestions on whales, seals, more. Sciences, south coast
Celebrate Oregon Coast Sharks with Newport's Sharktoberfest, Oct. 14
Event brings food, wine and beer to the conversation about sharks. Newport events, Lincoln City events
Sea Lions Sick with Leptospirosis on Oregon Coast: Keep Pets, Yourselves Away
Stay clear of sick or dead sea lions. Marine sciences, beach safety
Couple Spends Half Hour Rescuing Shark on N. Oregon Coast, Possibly Worked - ...
Experts don't suggest this, you could get bitten, but it swam away
No Selfies with the Seals, Say Oregon Coast Officials; Other Wildlife Warnings
Various young ones being born right now, both onshore and offshore. Sciences
S. Oregon Coast Baby Seal Incident More Complex, as Someone (Mostly) Did the ...
In this rare circumstance where vehicles are nearby, it was correct - Coos Bay. Marine sciences
Elder Statesman of the Oregon Coast, Seaside Aquarium Turns 86 - An Intricate...
One of the oldest privately-owned aquariums in the U.S.
Fun and Adventures with Oregon Coast Octopuses, and One Adorable Friendship
Tales from Seaside Aquarium: the cool and kooky. Sciences
Sure They're Adorbs, but Seal Pup Season Comes with Warnings on Washington / ...
It's always a matter of what not to do. Marine sciences
When a 'Gigantic Jellyfish' Found on Oregon Coast Isn't What It Seems
It revealed something icky about whale corpses in the area, marine sciences
Rare White Dungeness Caught off N. Oregon Coast is 1 in Million - See Video
The rare crustacean is on display at Seaside Aquarium
Attending Seaside Aquarium This Month Helps Feed the Hungry on Oregon Coast -...
Patrons pay admission to the aquarium with two cans of food per person. Seaside events
Lincoln City's Looking Glass Inn Has One Serious View to Oregon Coast Wilds a...
Overlooking Siletz Bay, views to some crazy storm action and harbor seals. Lincoln City lodging, hotel reviews
Letting the Wild Find You on Oregon Coast: Bears, Elk, Seals Right Now
Black bears are quite active now, eating for as long as 20 hours a day
Leptospirosis Affecting Many Sea Lions on Oregon Coast: Watch Your Dogs
The contagious bacterial infection of the kidneys has returned. Sciences
Gobs of Jellyfish on Oregon Coast, Some Ouchy - and One Globster
A rather sizable run of interesting creatures have been washing up. Marine sciences
Cox Rock, Near Florence, an Oregon Coast Puzzle in History, Geology, Sightseeing
One mysterious rock island, a connection to Sea Lion Caves. Travel tips, S. coast
Hatfield Marine Science Center Features Live Oregon Coast Shark Event
Science on Tap series on October 5 a night of sharks. Newport events
N. Oregon Coast Crew Deals With Stranded Shark on S. Washington Coast ? Alive...
It proved to be a bit of a show for some folks. Marine sciences
Sharks of Washington Coast / Oregon Coast: Beach Stranding, Research Landmarks
Impromptu dissection at Long Beach and a research pact from Cali to Washington. Sciences
Sea Lion Caves' Financial Gift to Another Central Oregon Coast Attraction
August 26 is a day of whooping it up in Florence
90 Years of Oregon Coast's Sea Lion Caves Celebrated at Florence's History Mu...
Party in Florence on Aug. 26. Florence events
Fur Seal Rescued from Central Oregon Coast Beach, Recovering at Aquarium
The Guadalupe fur seal was found on Salishan Spit, entangled in debris. Marine sciences
U.S. Coast Guard Rescues Injured Woman from South Oregon Coast Beach - Video
The woman fell from a rock at Bandon's Face Rock area
Body of Sevengill Shark Washes Up on N. Oregon Coast, Providing Education Opp...
A broadnose sevengill shark, a female, about 120 pounds and 8.7 feet long. Marine sciences
Oregon Coast Wildlife Officials: Don't Kidnap Wildlife
It's not just baby seals you'll have to watch out for. Sciences
Nemo the Sea Lion Arrives at Oregon Coast Aquarium
Nemo is a bit of a rescue from California but is now an elder. Newport events, travel tips, Depoe Bay
Cannon Beach Events: Meet the Sharks of the Oregon Coast
A look at the legendary beasties on February 9.
Baby Elephant Seals May Create A Giant Surprise On South Oregon Coast
Northern elephant seals begin pupping season any time now. Sciences
Injured Sea Otter on Central Oregon Coast May Have Shark Bites
Oregon Coast Aquarium is trying to nurse it back to health. Newport, marine sciences
Rogue Sea Lion Roams Lincoln City Streets - Central Oregon Coast
A female sea lion wandered onto a roadway in the Taft district
Oregon Crew Tries to Rescue Sea Turtle on Washington Coast. Did Humans Interf...
Reminder that injured sea turtles may be washing up. Marine sciences
Two Olive Ridley Sea Turtles Found Barely Alive on Oregon Coast
Both Seaside Aquarium and Oregon Coast Aquarium dealt with them. Marine Sciences
Fun 'n Funky Science Finds on Oregon Coast: Mola Mola and Salmon Shark
Mola mola winding up in the Columbia River and a salmon shark near Cannon Beach. Marine science
Right Under Your Feet: Glowing Jellyfish Wash Up on Oregon Coast
The Crystal jelly (Aequorea victoria) has been piling up on the central coast. Marine Sciences
Cue the Goofy Song: Baby Sharks Coming to N. Oregon Coast
Facility Seaside Aquarium's Swell sharks recently laid eggs. Marine science