September Fun for North Coast: Tillamook, Pacific City, Rockaway, Manzanita Preview Published 08/15/2012 (Rockaway Beach, Oregon) – So much fun in Tillamook County, so little time. September, known as the “Second Summer” on the Oregon coast, is crammed with bundles of things to do in the little towns of Garibaldi, Pacific City, Rockaway Beach, Manzanita, Wheeler and Nehalem. Tillamook continues to have a farmer’s market, Rockaway Beach hosts a carnival and Garibaldi has its famous fish fry, just to name a few. (Above: Garibaldi) The preview begins with lower Tillamook County, then listings for the Nehalem Bay area. Every Thursday. Line Dancing. 1 p.m. Rockaway Beach Community Center. 2310 Highway 101 N. Rockaway Beach, Oregon. Every Saturday. Tillamook Farmers Market. Enjoy the vendors, entertainment and the local folks. 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Second Street and Laurel Ave. Tillamook, Oregon. www.tillamookfarmersmarket.com.
September 1. Beach Cleanup. Sponsored by SOLV. Take your bag and walk the beach picking up anything that does not belong on our beaches. Rockaway Beach, Oregon. September 2. Rockaway Beach Carnival. Rockaway Beach City Park. Rockaway Beach, Oregon. 503-355-2291. September 2. Garibaldi Lions’ Fish Fry. Noon-5 p.m. Adults $10. Kids 10 and younger $5. Old Mill Marina. 210 Third St. Garibaldi, Oregon. 503-322-0322. September 8. Fishing day for kids with disabilities. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Whiskey Creek Fish Hatchery. 7660 Whiskey Creek Road. Tillamook, Oregon. 503-842-6519. September 15. YMCA Dinner and Auction. 5:30-10 p.m. Tillamook County Fairgrounds. 4603 Third St. Tillamook, Oregon. WHEELER, NEHALEM, MANZANITA Every Tuesday and Thursday. Clay Art Open Studio. Artists of all ages who are interested in working with clay are encouraged to visit. Tuesday 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Thursday 5-8 p.m. Hoffman Center. 594 Laneda Ave. Manzanita, Oregon. 503-368-3846. www.hoffmancentermanzanita.org. Every Friday. Manzanita Farmers Market. 5-8 p.m. Manzanita, Oregon. 503-368-3688.
September 1-2. Nehalem Bay Winery Labor Day Picnic. Bring a picnic and enjoy live music and free admission. Nehalem Bay Winery. 34965 Hwy 53. Nehalem, Oregon. 503-368-9463. September 4. Photo Salon. 7-9 p.m. Hoffman Center. 594 Laneda Ave. Manzanita, Oregon. 503-368-3846. www.hoffmancentermanzanita.org. September 7. Live music: The Lonesome Heroes. A country duo from Austin, Texas. 6-10 p.m. Hoffman Center. 594 Laneda Ave. Manzanita, Oregon. 503-368-3846. www.hoffmancentermanzanita.org. September 8. Special Clay Art Open Studio. Artists of all ages who are interested in working with clay are encouraged to visit. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Hoffman Center. 594 Laneda Ave. Manzanita, Oregon. 503-368-3846. www.hoffmancentermanzanita.org. September 15. Manzanita Writers’ Series. Steve Duin and Shannon Wheeler read from their graphic novel, Oil and Water. 7-9 p.m. Hoffman Center. 594 Laneda Ave. Manzanita, Oregon. 503-368-3846. www.hoffmancentermanzanita.org. September 22. Manzanita Film Series. 7:30 p.m. $7. Hoffman Center. 594 Laneda Ave. Manzanita, Oregon. 503-368-3846. www.hoffmancentermanzanita.org. Manzanita Pacific City Wheeler More About Garibaldi, Pacific City, Oceanside, Netarts, Tierra Del Mar Lodging..... More About Manzanita, Rockaway, Wheeler Dining.....
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