Oregon Coast Spring Events in Tillamook County: Manzanita, Rockaway, Pacific City, Oceanside, Garibaldi Published 02/27/2011
(Manzanita, Oregon) – Spring is definitely here come March. Spring break will hit in the middle part of the March, more outdoors adventures are in the planning, and places like Oceanside, Pacific City, Tillamook, Garibaldi, Rockaway Beach and Manzanita come alive with a variety of events. For full Oregon coast calendar, click here. March 4. 8th Symphonies. 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $10 each. Tillamook United Methodist. 3808 12th Street. Tillamook, Oregon. 503-368-6321. March 5. Great Speaker Series: Jean Johnson, life coach. Topic will be "Letting Go of Traditions." 1 p.m. Tillamook County Pioneer Museum. Tillamook, Oregon. 503-842-4553. www.tcpm.org
March 6. “Steve Lippia & His Band-Simply Sinatra.” Don Whitney Auditorium. 2605 12th Street. Tillamook, Oregon. 503-842-2078. www.MondayMusicalClub.com March 6. Open Jam: Country/Folk/Bluegrass. Monthly country-folk jam is a celebration of the settlers that lived in the hills and mountains and composed music about their day to day life experiences. 1 p.m. Tillamook Forest Center. Hwy 6 MP 22 Wilson River Hwy. Tillamook, Oregon. 866-930-2663. www.tillamookforestcenter.org March 7 – May 1. Janette DeNicolis Meyer Art Quilts. Latimer Quilt & Textile Center. 2105 Wilson River Loop Road. Tillamook, Oregon. 503-842-8622. www.latimerquiltandtextile.com
March 19-March 26. Whale Watch Week. Catch whales on their twice-yearly migration, where volunteers will be at dozens of high vantage points to help you spot them, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. each day of the week. www.whalespoken.org March 12-13. Garibaldi Lions-Garibaldi Crab Races. Old Mill Marina, Garibaldi, Oregon. 503-322-8408. March 13. Latimer Quilt & Textile Center Open House. Noon to 4 p.m. 2105 Wilson River Loop Road. Tillamook, Oregon. 503-842-8622. www.latimerquiltandtextile.com March 19. Netarts-Oceanside Volunteer Firefighters Assn. Pancake Breakfast. 8 a.m. – 11 a.m. Oceanside Community Club. Oceanside, Oregon. 503-842-5900. March 19 – 20. Fire Lookouts: Essential Tools or Endangered Species? Once upon a time, firefinders, radios and field glasses were our only weapons against fire. Are they still now? Join a naturalist to explore the question, “Fire Lookouts: essential tools or endangered species?” 1 p.m. Tillamook Forest Center. Hwy 6 MP 22 Wilson River Hwy. Tillamook, Oregon. 866-930-2663. www.tillamookforestcenter.org
March 26. Great Oregon Spring Beach Cleanup. 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Beaches all over the coast, including Rockaway, Manzanita, Pacific City, Netarts, Oceanside, Tierra Del Mar. 1-800-333-Solv ext. 332. www.solv.org March 26. Manzanita Film Series. 7 p.m. $6. Hoffman Center. 594 Laneda Ave. Manzanita, Oregon. 971-235-9450 March 26 - 27. Fire Lookouts: Essential Tools or Endangered Species? Once upon a time, firefinders, radios and field glasses were our only weapons against fire. Are they still now? Join a naturalist to explore the question, “Fire Lookouts: essential tools or endangered species?” 1 p.m. Tillamook Forest Center. Hwy 6 MP 22 Wilson River Hwy. Tillamook, Oregon. 866-930-2663. www.tillamookforestcenter.org March 31 – April 16. “Southern Hospitality.” TAPA Community Playhouse. Corner of 12th & Ivy. Tillamook, Oregon. 503-812-7036.
April 8 – 10. Birding and Blues Festival. Guided field trips, seminars, workshops, blues concerts. Friday: Kolvane. Saturday: Ty Curtis Band. Birding kayak tours, boat tours of the bay, raffles. Costs vary. Kiawanda Community Center. Pacific City, Oregon. 503-392-4340. www.birdingandblues.com April 2. 37th Anniversary Party at Nehalem Bay Winery. Families welcome, BBQ, live music. Noon to 5 p.m. Free. Nehalem Bay Winery. 34965 Hwy 53. Nehalem, Oregon. 503-368-9463. April 2 to July 24. “Brides of Tillamook County” Exhibit. Free. Tues-Sat 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tillamook County Pioneer Museum. 2106 2nd Street. Tillamook, Oregon. 503-842-4553 April 9. Annual Fish Fin Clipping Day. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Whiskey Creek Fish Hatchery. 7660 Whiskey Creek Rd. Tillamook, Oregon. 503-842-6519.
April 16. 2nd Annual Celebrity Spaghetti Cook-Off. 5 p.m. Adults $12/Children $6. Swiss Hall-Brookfield Avenue. Tillamook, Oregon. 503-842-2539 ext. 13. April 23. Elks Easter Egg Hunt. Noon. Tillamook Elks Picnic Grounds. 9105 Hwy 101 S. April 23. Easter Egg Hunt. Rockaway City Park. Rockaway Beach, Oregon. 503-355-2291.
April 23. Easter Bonnet Contest & Easter Egg Hunt. 10:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. Manzanita Underhill Plaza. Manzanita, Oregon. April 23. Manzanita Film Series. 7 p.m. $6. Hoffman Center. 594 Laneda Ave. Manzanita, Oregon. 971-235-9450 April 23. Author Bonnie Henderson. Famed Oregon coast author and naturalist. 1 p.m. Tillamook Co. Pioneer Museum. 2106 2nd Street. Tillamook, Oregon. 503-842-4553
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