Yachats, Florence Spring, May 2014 Events
Updated Weekly
Every First Thursday of the Month – Yachats Big Band, at the Yachats Commons. Couples, families and singles are invited to dance to the Big Band Classics of Glen Miller, Count Basie, Duke Ellington and others. Alcohol- and smoke-free; light refreshments. 7 – 9 p.m. $5 donation for adults, kids free. Yachats Commons, at 441 N. Coast Hwy 101 (between 4th and 5th on Hwy 101) Yachats, Oregon. 541-265-2514.
Wine Tasting at The Wine Place, each Saturday. For a complete wine tasting schedule call (541) 547-5275.
Third Thursday of Each Month. Yachats Movie Night. Free movies. Yachats Commons Auditorium, W 4th & Hwy 101. Yachats, Oregon.
First Tuesday of Each Month. Yachats Scrabble Night. Bring your own Scrabble board if you have one, although not necessary. 5:30-7 p.m. Yachats Public Library. Yachats, Oregon.
Every Tuesday. Salsa Class. 6:30-7:30 p.m. Community welcome for beginners and advanced salsa dancing. Yachats Commons Multi-Purpose Room. 441 Hwy 101 N. Yachats, Oregon.
Every Thursday. Open Mic Variety Show. Musicians, singers, poets, performing artists of all kinds. 6-8 p.m. Ona. 131 Hwy 101 N. Yachats, Oregon.
Every Sunday. Film Series: “Dance, Movement, and Bodies.” The aesthetic and everyday creative possibilities of dance and movement will be shown in range of classic and highly innovative films on dance, movement, and bodies. 2-4 p.m. Yachats Commons Meeting Room #3. 441 Hwy 101 N. Yachats, Oregon. 541-547-3565.
Every Saturday. Live music at the Yachats Underground Pub. 125 Ocean View Dr. Yachats, Oregon. 541-547-4600.
Every Wednesday. Rhythm Weavers Drumming. 7-9 p.m. Yachats Commons Meeting Room #3. 441 Hwy 101 N. Yachats, Oregon.
Every Monday. Ping Pong. 7-9 p.m. Yachats Commons Meeting Room #8. 441 Hwy 101 N. Yachats, Oregon. 541-547-3565.
Every Wednesday. Rhythm Weavers Drumming. 7-9 p.m. Yachats Commons Meeting Room #3. 441 Hwy 101 N. Yachats, Oregon. 541-547-3565.
Every Thursday. Indoor Park. A playgroup for children 0-6 and their caregivers to take advantage of educational and stimulating activity stations. 12:30-2 p.m. Yachats Commons Meeting Room #4. 441 Hwy 101 N. Yachats, Oregon. 541-547-3565.
Every Thursday. Open Mic Variety Show. Musicians, singers, poets, performing artists of all kinds. 6-8 p.m. Ona Restaurant. 131 Hwy 101 N. Yachats, Oregon.
May 17. Kid Fish Free @ Eckman Lake. Hey kids! Get hooked on fishing at Eckman Lake in Waldport. Bring your family! FREE fishing and equipment provided for ALL youth under the age of 18. 8:30am – 2pm. Nelson Wayside State Park, Waldport, Oregon, ODFW: 541-265-8306 x253, christine.m.clapp@state.or.us, http://www.dfw.state.or.us/education/angling/family_fishing.asp
May 23. Oregon Coast Chamber Orchestra (OCCO) Spring Concert. Advance tickets at Mari’s Books in Yachats (Hwy 101 & W 3rd) and Newport Performing Arts Center Box Office. Tickets available at the door. 7pm, Yachats Community Presbyterian Church. 360 W 7th St, Yachats, Oregon.
May 24. Memorial Day Pie & Ice Cream Social. Pies and more pies. Each slice is a generous 6th of a pie and costs $3. Add a scoop of ice cream for an additional fifty cents. Come early for the best selection and before the pie is gone! 11am – 3pm. Yachats Ladies Club House, W 3rd & Pontiac, Yachats, Oregon.
May 24-26. Clam-A-Rama. Check tide times for this 3-day weekend. Licenses required (available on site). Trophies awarded each day for (1) largest family group participating (2) Largest Clam (3) Oldest participant (4) Youngest participant. Get here early for loads of fun with hands-on instructions and guidance from Ranger Cameron ("Clamron"). Sponsored by Waldport Chamber of Commerce.
May 25, 2014. Yachats Lions Pancake Breakfast. Eggs to order, pancakes, ham, sausage and coffee. Bring the entire family and join the fun. Donations accepted. All proceeds go to support local nonprofit organizations. 7:30 - 11:30 am. Yachats Lions Hall, W 4th & Pontiac, Yachats, Oregon. 541-547-5171, yachatslionsclub@live.com
Every Thursday. Karaoke. 6-9 p.m. Tavolo Restaurant and Lounge. 1201 35th St. Florence, Oregon. 541-997-4623.
May 10. Wine Tour Fundraiser. Tickets are $75 and include a light breakfast, mimosas, all tasting fees, lunch and unlimited fun! Wine Tour will be departing from Sandpines Gold Links at 9:00a.m. Florence, Oregon. 541-902-0304.
May 10. Jazz Kings – Besame Mucho. Enjoy Jazz with a “Latin tinge”. $26 adults, $13 youth. 1:30pm – 3:30pm, Florence Events Center. 715 Quince St. Florence, Oregon. www.eventcenter.org.
May 11. Free Concert – Pacific Coast Wind Ensemble. Celebrate Mother’s Day. Donations suggested: $10/person or $25/family. Proceeds benefit Habitat for Humanity. 2:30pm – 4pm, Florence Events Center. 715 Quince St. Florence, Oregon.
May 13. Relay For Life Bunco Fundraiser. Play Bunco to benefit Florence Relay for Life. $20. 5:45pm – 8:30pm, Ocean Dunes Golf Links, Munsel Lake Rd, Florence, Oregon. 541-999-1111 or 541-997-3455, jean@coastinsurance.com
May 16 – 18. 107th Rhododendron Festival. Not Our First Rhody-O! Parade, Street Fair, Car Show, 5K run, Carnival, etc. All day Friday through Sunday, Florence, Oregon
May 16. Ballet Fantastique. Eugene’s avant garde ballet troupe. $24 adults, $16 students. Group discounts available. 7pm -9pm. Florence Events Center. 715 Quince St. Florence, Oregon. www.eventcenter.org.
May 17. Art Fest. Jewelry, paintings, wood carving, photography and more. 10% of proceeds benefit the Florence Area Humane Society. 11am – 5pm. Florence Events Center. 715 Quince St. Florence, Oregon.
May 17. Let it Ride. Motorcycle Show and St Jude Children’s Benefit! 11am – 1pm. Florence, Oregon. 541-297-8202, pastorlee777@gmail.com
May 17. Rhody Flower Show. Open to the public, free of charge. Saturday, 1pm – 5pm. Sunday, 10am – 5pm. Florence Events Center. 715 Quince St. Florence, Oregon.
May 23. Read for the Need Book Sale. Book sale to benefit Food Share. 10am – 5pm. Florence Events Center. 715 Quince St. Florence, Oregon.
May 31. Fore Kids Gold Scramble. Benefiting the Boys & Girls Clubs of Western Lane County. Registration: 9:30am-11am. Shotgun Start: 11am – 4pm. Luncheon/Awards: 4pm – 6pm. Register: jennabgwlc@gmail.com. 541-902-0304. Sandpines Golf Links, 35th St, Florence, Oregon.

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