Spring Break Highlights in Yachats, Central Coast Published 03/12/2013 (Yachats, Oregon) – For a tiny town, this central Oregon coast spot is huge on natural attractions. In fact, one of them soars over 1000 feet into the air. Little Yachats thinks big. Then again, this minute municipality is surrounded by over 25 miles of incredible beaches – most of which are rugged, rocky ledges that cause constant wave drama. Within Yachats this is certainly the case, with tiny blobs of beaches in between the black basalt, all of which host grains of sand that are massive in size. These miniscule stretches of sand give new meaning to the phrase “pocket beach.” To the north, about a mile from the center of town the 804 trail ends, and then large tracts of pristine sand begin – all the way through the seven miles to Waldport.
To the south, the highway winds and twists its way out of town, then up steep hills until you come to one insanely dramatic lookout after another. Around here you'll find Cape Perpetua, which takes you into the sky to serious birds eye views. Cook's Chasm and its wild spouting horn are a huge attraction, with its powerful jet of ocean water and a roaring, hissing noise. Beyond here lay the unusual and often completely unpopulated beaches of upper Lane County, with all manner of fascinating formations of rock, and places that are half sand and half rock, almost creating a labyrinth at times. Accesses like Strawberry Hill, Neptune and Ocean Beach Picnic Ground will blow your mind. Inside Yachats, civilization comes in the form of a small supermarket, a handful of restaurants (most of them quite awesome) – and a couple bars. That's about it. You don't need anymore on this part of the Oregon coast. Some Yachats events to look for in spring break: March 21. Yachats Movie Night. Friends of the Yachats Commons offers free movies. 6:30 p.m. Yachats Commons. 441 Hwy 101 N. Yachats, Oregon. 541-547-3565. March 22. Families Together Dinner and Reading. 6-8 p.m. An evening of dinner, reading and crafts for children and families. Yachats Community Presbyterian Church. 360 W. Seventh St. Yachats, Oregon. March 23-30. Oregon Coast Whale Watch Week. This week is the peak time for spring gray whale watching. Trained volunteers help visitors spot gray whales at 24 coastal sites, including Cape Perpetua. www.whalespoken.org. March 23, 24, 30. Spring Craft Bazaar. Crafts made by Ladies Club members include aprons, quilts, afghans, wall hangings, table runners, pot holders, potato bakers, casserole carriers, bake sale table, gift baskets and much more. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Yachats Ladies Club. 286 W. Third St. Yachats, Oregon. March 23-24. Yachats Arts & Crafts Fair. Noon-8 p.m. Yachats Commons. 441 Hwy 101 N. Yachats, Oregon. 541-547-3565. March 29-30. Annual Book Sale. Sponsored by Friends of Yachats Library. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Yachats Commons. 441 Hwy 101 N. Yachats, Oregon. 541-547-3565. More about Yachats at the Yachats Virtual Tour, the Upper Lane County Virtual Tour, and more about Yachats lodging below. Or keep scrolling
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