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Manzanita Overlook - Ocean, Steep Cliffs
Rockaway Beach, Manzanita, Wheeler, Nehalem Bay Virtual Tour, Oregon Coast

Manzanita Overlook - Ocean, Steep Cliffs

At the bottom of these steep and dangerous cliffs lies the graveyard of a ship that crashed here in the early part of the century. Under the right summer conditions, you can walk the nearly one mile of large, uncomfortably jagged boulders to the end of the cliff bottom, and sometimes spot chunks of the ship still there. However, all you can see from up atop this vantage point are lumps of concrete left over from construction of the highway around the '30s and '40s. [Manzanita's Wreck of the Glenesslin: Historical Oregon Coast Controversy It all happened in tiny Manzanita, even before the village had that name]

There is, however, a rather famous rock structure beneath these cliffs that looks like an Indian maiden.

Neahkahnie Viewpoint Provides Fun History, Unsolved Mystery on N. Oregon Coast - Neahkahnie Viewpoint above Manzanita has been around almost 100 years, and there's a mystery