Time Lapse Photos of Waves and Blowhole at Smelt Sands, 804 Trail
Yachats Virtual Tour

Where the Waves Are.
A small "blowhole" in the rock near the entrance to Smelt Sands - in various degrees of blowing.
Many beautiful things in Yachats seem a testament to the fierce determination of locals to keep their town a wonder to behold.
The Yachats 804 Trail is another large example. It wouldn't exist if not for a decade-long legal battle over a resident who tried to block access to the Smelt Sands Beach area in the 70's. Locals discovered a long-hidden county road right-of-way there. Then, after ten or so years in the Supreme Court, this three-quarter-mile stretch of land was handed over to the county, and in the early 90's became this gorgeous, handicap-accessible trail.
These days, you can walk this living monument and have close access to tide pools, major rock formations, and a few interesting, slightly quirky homes.