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Oregon Coast Whale Watch Week Begins Amid More Worries About Gray Whale Popul...
Lewis Moon Snail and Its Freaky Egg Casings Found on Oregon, Washington Coasts
Nasty Little Green Crab and Its Attack on N. Oregon Coast's Netarts Bay
Washington Coast Razor Clam Digs Get Green Light for March 8 - 14, More Coming
Sharks of Oregon Coast Featured on New License Plate: Vouchers Now Available
Weird Oregon Coast History in Waldport: Monster Legends, UFO Cult, Blowing Up...
S. Oregon Coast March Events: Coos Bay's Clambake, History Walks, Farmers Mar...
Looking Ahead on Oregon Coast: Depoe Bay, Newport Highlights in 2025
When Sand Dollars Move on Oregon / Washington Coast the Unexpected Can Happen
Charleston Crab Feed 2025: 900 Pounds of Dungeness for S. Oregon Coast Visitors
Sea Cherubs, Sea Butterflies, 'Fire Bodies' - Fantastic Beasts of Oregon Coas...
Commercial Dungeness Crab Opens on N. Oregon Coast, Washington
Biggest Oregon / Washington Coast Stories of 2024: Aurora, Tornado, Crumbling...
Razor Clamming Right Now on Washington Coast ? Oregon Coast
Where to Watch Whales in Lincoln City - Oregon Coast Vantage Points You Didn'...
Oregon Wildlife Officials Say Someone Dumped Possibly Invasive Koi into Eugen...
Cajoling Cracks 'n Crevices of One Out-of-the-Way Oregon Coast Beach Near New...
Some State Residents Qualify for 50 Percent Discount at Oregon Coast Aquarium
Oregon Coast Winter Whale Watch Week May Give Glimpses of More Than Grays
Unusually Large Number of Female Dungeness on Washington Coast Beaches, Offic...
Oregon Coast Commercial Crabbing Fishery in Ocean and Bays Opens in Dec
Tubular Oddity Back on Oregon Coast: Here's What They Are
Recreational Crabbing Now Back Open Along All of Oregon Coast
A Sea of Lights at Newport's Oregon Coast Aquarium Throughout December
Ona Beach's Pristine, Graceful Yet Alien Curiosities: Near Central Oregon Coa...
Commercial Ocean and Bay Crabbing Delayed Along Oregon Coast
Now Is Season of Stranded Sea Turtles on Oregon Coast: First Rescue Dies With...
All Dungeness Crabbing Closed on Part of South Oregon Coast
N. Oregon Coast History Talk Digs Into 100-Year-Old Seaside Aquarium Building
Small Shark Encounter on N. Oregon Coast Will Mean Discoveries for Students
Florence's Exploding Whale Memorial Celebration Gets Early Start on Oregon Co...
Newport Gets New Sea Jelly Tanks and Glowing Tanks at Oregon Coast Aquarium
100-Year-Old Locomotive is Latest Find at Oregon Coast Scenic Railroad
Florence's Fall Fest Includes Kites, Circles in the Sand - and Oregon Coast's...
Two-Thirds Oregon Coast Closed to Razor Clamming Due to Biotoxin
Seaside Aquarium: Debris Field of Nature Stuff on N. Oregon Coast is 3 Blocks...
Changes at Oregon's Tillamook Coast: Rockaway Improvements, Nehalem Bay SP Cl...
Oregon Shores, Surfrider Partner for Coastal Beaches Preservation Campaign
Drones Catch New Insights Into Oregon Coast Gray Whales: Headstands, Bubble B...
N. Oregon Coast Reopens Razor Clamming Oct. 1 - Some Closures Still in Effect
Past articles and material from Oregon Coast Beach Connection on a variety of marine science and biology subjects. More added periodically. See the search box at top to find specific subjects
Strange Blue Velella Velella Return to Oregon Coast, Some Spots Thicker Than Others - The alerts are going out: the blue tide has come in. The Oregon coast is getting hit by another wave of little blue creatures called velella velella (or Purple Sailors or by-the-wind Sailors)
Janthina / Violet Snails: Tiny, Rare Purple Weirdos of Oregon Coast - They are what is known Janthina janthina, otherwise known as the Violet Snail, Storm Snail or even just the common purple snail. Yet there’s nothing really that common about them here on the west coast of the U.S. In fact, no one in Oregon really knows much about them
The Kooky and the Cool on Oregon Coast Right Now: Pryosomes, Ghost Forests - The small, tube-like creatures resemble plastic to some degree. The crazy thing is they are in actuality tiny colonies of hundreds of other even smaller creatures.
California Sea Cucumber Breathes Out of Its Butt: Weird Washington, Oregon Coast Science - They are a true freak of the deep along the Oregon coast and Washington coast. The California Sea Cucumber is also known by the names Giant Sea Cucumber and Giant Red Sea Cucumber, and they’re a truly weird mix of alien movie and punk rock aesthetics
Burrowing Sea Cucumber: Oregon Coast Storm Unearths An Interesting Critter - Weird little critters called burrowing sea cucumbers (Leptosynapta clarki) were suddenly found in abundance
Rarity of Oregon / Washington Coast: the Trippy Mola Mola / Sunfish (Video) - Mola mola or ocean sunfish usually lives well south of the Pacific Northwest (and reportedly well offshore), but occasionally the kooky, large, semi-round fish wanders as north as British Columbia
Oh, the Lowly Sand Flea: They Should be Exalted on the Oregon Coast - What kind of sand fleas are there on the Oregon coast and what do they do? First of all, they're technically called amphipods. They're a kind of tiny crustacean and not related to fleas.
Tiny and See-Through on the Oregon Coast: Adorable but Eerie - This tiny see-through beastie is actually a Dungeness crab, but a very baby one. They go through this stage early in life, becoming eerily transparent but with a dash of blue.
Sea Gooseberry: What is That Translucent Thing on Oregon Coast Beaches? Surprising Science - It’s called a Sea Gooseberry (Pleurobrachi bachei) or comb jelly, and it shows up fairly often during spring and summer on the beaches
Whales and Their Legends: Ewww, 'Globsters' of Oregon / Washington Coast and Their Paranormal Past - Perhaps the grossest thing you can find on the Oregon coast or Washington coast (or any beach in the world) is what is sometimes referred to as the “globster.” It’s a particularly disgusting form of stranded whale corpse
Oregon Coast Science Experts: What is Sea Foam? Foam in the ocean is just sea bubbles, started off by tiny little phytoplankton that have died and the way their skeletons change the surface tension of the water
All About Oregon Coast Whales, Whale Watching
Oregon Coast Weather - Washington Coast Weather
Complete List of Oregon Coast Ghost Forests
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