Covering 180 miles of Oregon coast travel: Astoria, Seaside, Cannon Beach, Manzanita, Nehalem, Wheeler, Rockaway, Garibaldi, Tillamook, Oceanside, Pacific City, Lincoln City, Depoe Bay, Newport, Waldport, Yachats & Florence. 11/25/07
Central Oregon Coast Calendar: Holiday Events for Yachats, Waldport and Newport
(Oregon Coast) – These cities by the sea will be shining extra brightly for the season, as Yachats, Waldport and Newport will get glittery throughout December and in winter. From celebrations at the grand lighthouse just north of Florence, readings with celebrity David Ogden Stiers, to festivals of lights and trees, the central coast will show off a particularly colorful side. This roundup of events runs from December through February, and includes festivities near Florence and in Toledo as well. Complete Oregon coast calendar listings are available here.
December 1 - 9: Festival of Trees. Holiday festival gala. Best Western Agate Beach Inn. Newport, Oregon. 541-574-4864. December 1: 8th Annual South County Needy Children's Christmas Auction. Waldport, Oregon. 541-563-2889. December 1: Lighted Boat Parade. A dozen boats get gussied up innovative designs of light and parade around Yaquina Bay. Along the Historic Bayfront. Some spots available on these boats for the public. 541-865-6200.
December 1: Oregon Coast Aquarium's Sea of Lights. Guests will enjoy holiday music and children can talk to Santa and have their photos taken. Admission is two items of food for Oregon Food Share, a new toy or pet food for the Lincoln County Animal Shelter or $2 for adults and $1 for kids. 6:30 p.m. Oregon Coast Aquarium. 2820 SE Ferry Slip Rd. Newport, Oregon. 541-867-3474. www.aquarium.org December 1 & 2: "Winter Wonderland." Christmas Boutique & Craft Fair - unique one-of-a-kind handcrafted gift items by local artisans. Sat. 9 to 5. Sun. 11 to 5. Elks Lodge 2105 (lower level). 45 SE John Moore Road & Hwy 20, Newport, Oregon. 541-265-9226.
December 1 & 2: Yachats Ladies Club 79th Annual Christmas Bazaar. Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (lunch available). Sunday 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. (no lunch available). Yachats Ladies Club House. 286 W 3rd St. Yachats, Oregon. 541-547-3205. December 1 & 2: A Little Nutcracker, Oregon Coast Ballet Company. A short and sweet family version of a holiday classic. 7 p.m. Admission Adults $12 - Seniors/Student $10. Newport Performing Arts Center. 777 West Olive Street. Newport, Oregon. 541-265-ARTS. December 2: Annual Christmas Concert at the Little Log Church Museum. Featuring the Campanas Del Mar Handbell Choir, Matt Olsen on the hammer dulcimer, Glen Olsen on the old pump organ, songs and flute by Dianna Bettega, and a Community Christmas carol sing led by Marcia Wilcox. Admission is Free. Refreshments served after the program. 2 p.m. Little Log Church Museum, W 3rd & Pontiac St. Yachats, Oregon.
December 6: Yachats Big Band. Grab your dance shoes or come as you are. Community concert/dance, 1st Thursday of the month. Smoke & alcohol free environment. 7 – 9 p.m. Yachats Commons, Hwy 101, Yachats. December 7 – 24: Appalachian Ebenezer. Christmas tale with a new twist, performed by Red Octopus Theatre Co. 8 p.m. Performed on weekends. Admission Adults $14 - Seniors/Students $12. Newport Performing Arts Center. 777 West Olive Street. Newport, Oregon. 541-265-ARTS. December 8: Toledo's Hometown Holiday. Throughout the town just east of Newport. 541-996-9419. December 8: Art Deco Film Series: "Top Hat" (1935). Dress in art deco style and get half off! Fred Astair & Ginger Rogers musical features an Irving Berlin score. 7 p.m. The Ark, 453 SW Coast Hwy. Newport, Oregon. 541-574-3333. www.citycenternewport.com
December 8 & 9: Heceta Lightstation 12th Annual Victorian Christmas Open House. Candles and caroling under the stars at Heceta Head Lighthouse. 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. Just north of Florence, Oregon. December 9: Wishes and Candles, performed by Central Coast Chorale. 7 p.m. Newport Performing Arts Center. 777 West Olive Street. Newport, Oregon. 541-265-ARTS. December 11: Literary Flicks - A Christmas Carol.
The famous film for the holidays, this 1938 version of the story will
be shown in the McEntee Meeting Room. 6:30 p.m. December 15: Christmas Bells are Ringing. Program of festive holiday music, images and readings. Featuring The Yachats Village Ringers, and English Handbell Ensemble. Free admission. 3 p.m. Donations will be accepted for the Yachats Ladies Club. Yachats Commons, Hwy 101 & W 5th St. Yachats, Oregon. 541-547-4821.
December 15: Alsea Bay Bridge Candlelight Walk,
candles and carols over the bridge in Waldport. 541-563-2889. December 15 & 16: Heceta Lightstation 12th Annual Victorian Christmas Open House. Candles and caroling under the stars at Heceta Head Lighthouse. 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. Just north of Florence, Oregon. December 19 – 24: Holiday Readings with David Ogden Stiers. All dates include Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens; adaptation by John W. Lowell. Also on this performance, Dylan Thomas' "A Child's Christmas in Wales." 7 p.m. Ticket charge. Newport Performing Arts Center. 777 West Olive Street. Newport, Oregon. 541-265-ARTS.
December 26 - January 1: Whale Watch Week. Volunteers help you spot whales all along the coast. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. each day. (541) 765-3304. www.whalespoken.org December 26 - January 1: Whale Activities at the Hatfield. Various events go from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The public marine mammal class is scheduled for 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. in the Hennings Auditorium. Whale Tales/Storytelling with Barb Kellay begins at 2:30 in the Resource Room. Daily updates on migrating gray whales will be posted on the Information Board. Marine Mammal videos will be shown in the Auditorium. Special marine mammal displays and exhibits are featured throughout the Center. Gray Whale calf skull preparation and articulation demonstration at 11 1 p.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Hatfield Marine Science Center. 2030 Marine Science Dr. Newport, Oregon. 541-867-0100. http://hmsc.oregonstate.edu/
January 12: Art Deco At The Ark. Film Series: "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow.” Dress in art deco style and get half off! Scientists the world over keep disappearing without a trace, it's up to reporter Polly Perkins & top aviator Sky Captain to find out the truth. The Ark, 453 SW Coast Hwy. Newport, Oregon. 541-574-3333. www.citycenternewport.com. January 12: January Flotsam Fest. Kim Raum-Suryan:Sea Lion Entanglement (11:30). Skye Moody "Washed Up" at 1:30 p.m. (book signing). Display case of flotsam, jetsam, and wrack. Hatfield Marine Science Center. 2030 Marine Science Dr. Newport, Oregon. 541-867-0100. http://hmsc.oregonstate.edu/
January 19: Jack Hart, managing editor at the Portland Oregonian, and author of A Writer's Coach, published in 2006. 7 p.m. Admission $5; free to students. Open Mike follows. Visual Arts Center, 777 NW Beach Drive, Newport, Oregon. January 26: Newport Symphony Orchestra. Scheduled: Rimsky-Korsakov: Russian Easter Overture, Op. 36. Maurice Ravel: Mother Goose Suite. Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov: Excerpts from The Snow Maiden. Claude Debussy: Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun. Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov: Capriccio espagnole, Op. 34. Ticket charge. 7:30 p.m. Newport Performing Arts Center. 777 West Olive Street. Newport, Oregon. 541-265-ARTS. February 16: Elinor Langer, journalist and non-fiction author. Her award-winning book, A Hundred Little Hitlers, is about the 1988 Portland skinhead killing. Co-sponsored with Mountain Writers Series. Open mike follows. 7 p.m. Visual Arts Center, 777 NW Beach Drive, Newport, Oregon.
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