Snowy Plover Continues Rebound Along Oregon Coast Published 12/28/2010 (Oregon Coast) – While the threatened western snowy plover is steadily backpedaling from extinction, federal and state officials realize that the work is not done and have approved a plan for the beach-loving bird to continue its comeback in Oregon. The Oregon Parks and Recreation Department, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service all have signed off on the plan, in which Oregon agrees to improve the bird’s habitat in at least three state-run areas on the north Oregon coast. The agreement also allows for these beaches to remain open for recreation.
"We're constantly reminded Oregonians are as passionate as ever about protecting the public ocean shore," says Tim Wood, Director, Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. "Under this plan, we can keep Oregon beaches open to people and help the plover recover at the same time." There are a few areas on the south coast where plovers nest, in dry sand spots that are cordoned off from March through September. The harder, wet beach areas all remain open year round. The Oregon Parks and Recreation Department has management responsibility for coastal shores where plovers breed and nest. Plovers already nest in a few locations on the south coast, where the dry sand in six areas are roped from March-September, but the hard, wet beach also remains open year-round.
"In just over 15 years, our Oregon snowy plover population has grown from a few dozen birds to more than 150, which means we're getting closer to the Oregon recovery goal of 200 breeding birds," said Robyn Thorson, director of the Pacific Region of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. "The extraordinary cooperation and effort of all the agencies involved in plover conservation, and the care of committed citizens, have been the cornerstone of our success so far. We applaud the Parks and Recreation Department for its leadership and all our partners for helping to put plover recovery within reach." Oregon Parks and Recreation Department received an important permit from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for its work on improving the bird’s habitat.
The "Incidental Take Permit" accepts some plovers may be harmed as visitors and residents use the public ocean shore, but avoids the usual consequences - which could have included closing whole beaches - so long as the harm to plovers is limited and recovery continues elsewhere. Recovery is guided by a Habitat Conservation Plan adopted by the Oregon State Parks and Recreation Commission earlier this year after extensive public review. Six southern Oregon coast beaches have had special rules regarding the plovers since 1993, which safeguard nesting areas from dogs, vehicles and foot traffic. Next up is a public process to develop more ideas for Plover management in spots like the Bandon State Natural Area. Three other areas on the north coast will be prepared to be more inviting to the shorebird: the Columbia River South Jetty, Nehalem Spit and Necanicum Spit. The Netarts Spit may also be groomed for this, as it currently has no plovers. These beaches will require dogs to be leashed and prohibit beach driving, but will remain open. Beaches next to these state parks already require leashes and are closed to driving, but enforcement will be stepped up. A public plan for these new northern beaches will be developed between now and 2013.
Oregon officials say this kind of habitat conservation planning is an important part of the collaborative stewardship approach to recovering listed species. A habitat conservation plan is a necessary component of the state's application for the federal incidental-take permit; "take" being the legal term for disturbing, harming or killing individuals of the species. This kind of permit allows activities even when there is a possibility of harming some listed species, so long as the harm is incidental to otherwise legal activities such as, in this case, those associated with the public's recreational beach use. The proposed plan provides mitigation and minimization measures for potential adverse effects of these activities.
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